When asked what a restaurant bookkeeper does, quite often you'll get a boring mundane answer like this...
We oversee your financial data and budgetary records of a restaurant, commonly known as the “books”.
We ensure the accuracy of your numbers like revenue and expenses, track inventory and tax obligations, and make recommendations to maximize profit. Blah Blah Blah
Sound familiar?
But in reality what we do is save you time, money and headaches from doing this yourself. Because, well, you have enough on your plate (pun intended) and you need help!
JKM Strategies is here to help!
Janet takes a genuine interest in the organization that she works for. She has their best interests in mind, and looks for ways to make sure the program is financially sound. She forms relationships with our families, she doesn’t just send out invoices and receipts, but actually cares about their happiness as well.Jen McCrackenHead of School, Maria Montessori Preschool
Janet brings to MMS her financial expertise and technical knowledge. Her advisory role is essential to the ongoing viability of MMS. But I think this would be impossible with out the trust and care she brings. Elana GellerBoard Chair, Maria Montessori Preschool